Friday, January 4, 2013

Every Little Bit Counts

10 lbs…..really? The number on the scale would not change no matter how much I stepped on and off. You see, I just started graduate school in August 2012. It’s been three years since I’ve been in school, and the freshman-15 was a distant memory. Upon starting school again, I went from being active every day to staring at four walls at least 8 hours a day. In this sixteen week period, the weight had crept up on me, and it was discouraging.

North Star visits the submarine.
I know I know....I should work out more. During the semester, my only means of exercising was the 10 minute walk (often dash) for the bus stop and walking North Star. To add fuel to the roaring fire, my meals had degraded from healthy to what-you-tell-your-kids-not-to-eat to fit my student budget that nevers seems to be enough. The ease in which I fell out of my good habits due to time constraints belied the time I had spent establishing those habits. Nothing short of an accountability partner, and sheer determination would help me this time around.

Nearing the end of the semester, I had an epiphany. From the moment I step on the bus and arrive on campus is 20-25 minutes. From the halfway point on the bus ride it takes an additional 10 minutes or so to get to campus. So one day, in my frustration with being in the submarine (an endearing name for my lab in the basement of my campus building with no cell service), I decided to leave the submarine to see how long it would take me to walk to the midpoint.

10 minutes.

Here it was! Here was my answer! Or at least a part of it. I could fit an additional 20 minutes worth of power walking into my day just by getting off the bus, and leaving my office a little earlier. According to Mayo Clinic walking has multiple benefits such as improving your health, your mood, and helping you lose weight. Essentially, every little bit counts. So if it’s turning your home into a gym doing repititions by lifting items or lunges across the house, then do it! If it’s going out and hiking a mile on a trail, then do it!Take some music, a kid, or, even better, a dog.

For me, I’ve decided to keep these additions to my workout schedule. I have found an accountability partner in one of my lab mates who is training for a half marathon (what can I say, every little bit counts). Plus I’ve signed up for a gym membership on campus for $125 that includes fitness and group classes for the semester. My next steps are to move back into a healthier eating style that doesn’t break my pockets.

No matter what, it is important that we make efforts to ensure that we are living healthily. Being active does more for you mentally, socially, physically, and, even, spiritually than you may think.
Just remember: every little bit counts!!!

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